Hairstyles; and their unpredictable changes

What Influences A Woman's Choice Of Hairstyle?
From elaborate hairdos of Cleopatra to the modern bob cut or pixie cut; hairstyles for women have evolved in various ways through history. With different cultures and traditions coming into play, the trends of hairstyles for women have changed over time. The Pre-historic period, Medieval era, Renaissance period, Colonial era, Victorian Age and Modern era are some major eras when hair fashion was a defining aspect of culture at that time.
Prehistoric Era
Back in the prehistoric era, hairstyles for women were all about tribal customs. They often wore their hair in different styles like braids, cornrows, weaves, ponytails, etc. They used natural, herbal hair dyes to colour their hair and adorned their heads with feathers or beads for decoration.
Human beings have been styling their hair since the beginning of time, but not in the ways that we know them today.
The Prehistoric Era lacked many of the tools that we use to style hair, including the comb and the curling iron. Prehistoric peoples tended to wear their hair in very simplistic styles, often cut short to avoid being tangled in things or getting in the way while hunting. Braiding was a popular style in this era, often done by wrapping a long piece of hair around itself to create a thick braid.
Ancient Egypt
Ancient Egypt was an extremely fascinating period in history. If we travel back to the ancient Egypt era, we will find that hairstyles for women were a significant part of their culture. Moreover, it was also a defining aspect of their religion. Additionally, hairstyles for women made a bold statement about their social status and wealth. The women followed the fashions of the Upper and Lower Egypt regions and wore their hair in different styles
The hairstyles for women of that time period often dictated their status in society. For instance, a woman who wanted to be accepted in royal circles would have no other option than to wear hair extensions. Even the common population followed different styles. The Upper Egypt women wore their hair long, parted in the middle and tied at the back. The Lower Egypt women, however, had short hair tied in a bun at the back and sides. Egyptian women also wore wigs to cover the hair loss caused by lice and other parasites.
The Dark Ages
During the Dark Ages, people did not care about their appearance as much as they did in other periods. Most people, especially women, did not bother to groom their hair at all. Dark Ages women often let their hair grow long and wild, and rarely (if ever) styled it. The hairstyles for women during this period were basic and unadorned. Dark Ages women would often braid their hair or put it up in a bun. Some women, especially noblewomen, would put their hair in a "crown" hairstyle. This was a complex hairstyle that involved weaving and braiding hair, and wrapping it around the head to make a thick "crown".
Renaissance Period
The Renaissance period saw a revival in culture, art, architecture, and literature. This was a time when the world saw great progress; and so did hairstyles for women. This was the period when long hair became a status symbol for women; it was a symbol of wealth and prosperity. Women would wear their hair long and in braids, often with jewels woven in. At times, they would even wear ornate headdresses and tiaras. Higher-class women would also wear their hair up, while lower-class women would wear their hair down.
Colonial Era
The Colonial Era was a time of great expansion, as Europeans explored and settled in many parts of the world. During this period, many cultures mixed and influenced each other, and this is reflected in the hairstyles for women. The Colonial Era saw a mix of all of the hairstyles that had come before, with women in all parts of the world choosing a hairstyle that suited their needs and looked good on them. At this time, women often used hairpins and clips to put up their hair in a bun or other hairstyle, and these could often be made of feathers or other decorative materials.
Many British women often wore their hair long and flowing ; whilst the French women of colonial times often wore their hair in a bun secured at the nape of their neck. The Spanish women had long hair parted in the middle and tied at the back.
Victorian Era
The Victorian Era was a time period in which the British ruled over much of the western world. It was also a time period when social conventions were followed very strictly and etiquette was an important part of culture. Hair was extremely important in this era; it was a defining aspect of female fashion. During the Victorian Era, women spent a lot of time styling and curling their hair. Most Victorian hairstyles involved long, ringlet-curled hair worn up in a bun. Some Victorian women wore their hair up in a bun with a decorative hair accessory, such as a comb. Some Victorian women also wore wigs, which were very popular in this era. Wigs were often made from real human hair, and many women spent a lot of money buying and styling wigs.
Modern Era
The Modern Era is a period that began in the early 20th century and is still ongoing. It is a period when fashion and culture has become more diverse and less defined by social conventions. As a result, hairstyles for women have become less strict and more versatile. During the Modern Era, hair has become very versatile and can be worn in various ways. Many hairstyles worn during this era are less complex than those in other periods. A few examples of common Modern Era hairstyles are the ponytail, the side ponytail, the bob cut, and the pixie cut.
The Modern Era is still very much in progress, with new hairstyles and trends popping up all the time. Modern women have a much greater variety of hairstyles to choose from than women from any other era, whether they want something simple or complex, with many different people from all over the world contributing to the hairstyles choices.
Modern hairstyles are also easy to change, as modern women have many different hairstyling tools available to them, like hair dryers, curling irons, and hair clips.
Hair is an integral part of a person, and when you look at the different eras and their hairstyles, it’s clear that it’s always been a big deal. From long, flowing, loose hair in ancient Egypt, to the Victorian Era’s elaborate updos, to the modern bob cut – it seems that people have always been trying to experiment with their hair.
Nowadays, women have access to a wider variety of hairstyles that can suit their personality and lifestyle. From the modern pixie cut to the Victorian updo, there’s a hairstyle for every woman, no matter which era they belong to.